Child custody cases can be intense regardless of the circumstances. As your attorney in these cases, my goal is to fight for your desired outcome and protect your relationship with your child. 

Child Custody Basics

Two different types of child custody are recognized in Indiana: physical custody and legal custody. While physical custody determines the child’s residence, legal custody determines which parent can make important decisions on behalf of the child. Courts in Indiana always decide custody matters based on the best interests of the child. 

If you and the child’s other parent are able to reach an agreement with regard to custody arrangements, the court will often approve your agreement. However, if no such agreement can be reached, the court will intervene and make the decision for you. 

How I Can Help

When representing you in a child custody case, I will work closely with you to build strong arguments that support your case. If your case goes before the judge, I will speak on your behalf and present evidence to give you the best chance of success. 

If you are involved in a child custody case in Indiana, I am here to help you safeguard your parent-child relationship. Please contact the Law Office of Michelle MarQuand today to make an appointment or to learn more.

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